How often you read a story? Or you were often heard a story by your mom when you were child? Do you like it? I love reading a story. Pinocchio story, Sleeping Beauty Story, Cinderella Story and many more. And do you know it includes “ Narrative Text “
» Narrative Text is a text about story of legend, fairy tale, fable,
science fiction and myth.
» The purposes of narrative text are :» Narrative Text is a text about story of legend, fairy tale, fable,
science fiction and myth.
- To amuse/entertain the readers
- To deal with actual or various experiences in the different ways
- To stimulate emotions
- To motivate the readers
- To teach or guide the readers
» Narratives deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which is turn finds a resolution.
» The generic structures of narrative
1. ORIENTATION : It sets the scene and introduces the participants
2. COMPLICATION : A crisis arises
3. RESOLUTION : The crisis is resolved, for better or for worse
4. RE-ORIENTATION : The ending of the story
5. EVALUATION : The stepping back to evaluate the story or the moral value of the story
» The kinds of narrative text :
1. Myth : a traditional story which may describe the origins of the world, a place, and a people. It is considered the scared stories in the past.
Example :
(A Myths from Greek)
Sisyphus was founder, as well as, king of Corinth. He also was known for being a cunning dishonest person. His greatest triumph came at the end of his life, when Hades came to claim him personally for the kingdom of the dead. Hades brought along a pair of handcuffs, an obvious novelity in comparasion the rolling a bouder up hill for all enternity. Sisyphus pretended to express such an interest in the handcuffs that Hades pride got in the way. Basically Sisyphus had persuaded the god Hades to demonstrate their use - on Hades, himself.
And so, the high lord of the Underworld, Hades was kept locked up in a closet at Sisyphus's house for many days, which put the natural order of being seriously out of whack. Nobody could die. Something like a soldier might be gravely wounded in battle, but still show up at camp for dinner. Finally Hades was released and Sisyphus was ordered to report to the Underworld for his "eternal assignment". But Sisyphus had yet another trick up his sleeve.
Sisyphus simply told his wife not to bury him and then complain to Persephone, Queen of the Dead, that he had not been given the proper funeral. As an unburied corpse he had no business on the far side of the river Styx. His wife hadn't placed a coin under his tongue to secure passage with the ferryman. Surely Persephone could see that Sisyphus must be given leave to journey back topside and put things right.
The Queen of the Dead agreed, and Sisyphus made his way back to the sunshine, where he promptly forgot all about funerals and such drab affairs and lived on for another good bit of time. But even this cunning trickster could only postpone what is to come. Eventually he was hauled down to Hades, where his "indiscretions" caught up with him. For crimes and offenses against the gods - the specifics of which vary with each story - he was condemned to an eternity at hard labor. Truely frustrating labor. For he was given the task to roll a great boulder to the top of a hill. Only every time Sisyphus, through great exertion, toil and exhaustion, reached the summit, the damned boulder rolled back down again
2. Folklore : a collection of fictional tales about people and animals. it includes myths and tales.
Example :
Sugar Palm (Folklore from North Sumatra)
A husband and a wife lived happily in a village. They had two children a son and a daughter. The son’s name was Tare Iluh and the daughter’s name was Beru Sibou. Their happy life ended when their father died.
Since then their mother worked hard for them. She worked so hard that it made her suffer from a terrible illness. Their mother then died. Later, Tare Iluh and Beru Sibou
Since then their mother worked hard for them. She worked so hard that it made her suffer from a terrible illness. Their mother then died. Later, Tare Iluh and Beru Sibou
stayed at their uncle’s house.
Days passed by and those kids have grown into adults. Tare Iluh decided to find a job in another village. He then left his sister and his uncle.
Tare Iluh wanted to make money in a short time. He thought gambling was the answer. He gambled using the money his uncle gave him. At first he won some money. He was so happy and used all the money. Sadly, he lost. All the money he had was gone. He was upset.
After that he borrowed money from the villagers, he lost again and he borrowed some money again. He kept on borrowing some money until he had a lot of debts.
When the villagers asked him to pay the debt, Tare Iluh could not pay them. He did not have any money. The villagers were angry. They put him in the jail!
In the mean time, Beru Sibou was waiting for his brother. She was worried because he had not given her any news. Finally she heard that his brother was in the jail. She rushed to go and wanted to meet her brother.
Beru Sibou did not know the way to the village. She was lost in a jungle.
She met an old man and asked about his brother. The old man knew that there was a man in the jail because of gambling. He then suggested Beru Sibou to climb a high tree and sang a song about his brother. His brother might hear her song.
Beru Sibou then climbed a high tree. She sang a song about his brother. She sang and screamed his brother’s name.
“My brother Tare Iluh? Where are you? The villagers, please release my brother.”
Nobody listened to the song and that made Beru Sibou frustrated. She then prayed to God.
“God, I’m willing to pay my brother’s debts. I will pay with my tears, my hair, and all parts of my body can be used by the villagers. But please free my brother.”
Right after she finished praying, heavy storm attacked. And slowly Beru Sibou changed into a tree. It was just not an ordinary tree. All parts of tree were useful. Her tears changed into sweet water. Her hair changed into very strong leaves. People can use them as roof of their houses. The fruits of the tree namedkolang kaling are very delicious.
People name it as sugar palm tree or pohon enau. People in other villages name it as pohon aren.
Days passed by and those kids have grown into adults. Tare Iluh decided to find a job in another village. He then left his sister and his uncle.
Tare Iluh wanted to make money in a short time. He thought gambling was the answer. He gambled using the money his uncle gave him. At first he won some money. He was so happy and used all the money. Sadly, he lost. All the money he had was gone. He was upset.
After that he borrowed money from the villagers, he lost again and he borrowed some money again. He kept on borrowing some money until he had a lot of debts.
When the villagers asked him to pay the debt, Tare Iluh could not pay them. He did not have any money. The villagers were angry. They put him in the jail!
In the mean time, Beru Sibou was waiting for his brother. She was worried because he had not given her any news. Finally she heard that his brother was in the jail. She rushed to go and wanted to meet her brother.
Beru Sibou did not know the way to the village. She was lost in a jungle.
She met an old man and asked about his brother. The old man knew that there was a man in the jail because of gambling. He then suggested Beru Sibou to climb a high tree and sang a song about his brother. His brother might hear her song.
Beru Sibou then climbed a high tree. She sang a song about his brother. She sang and screamed his brother’s name.
“My brother Tare Iluh? Where are you? The villagers, please release my brother.”
Nobody listened to the song and that made Beru Sibou frustrated. She then prayed to God.
“God, I’m willing to pay my brother’s debts. I will pay with my tears, my hair, and all parts of my body can be used by the villagers. But please free my brother.”
Right after she finished praying, heavy storm attacked. And slowly Beru Sibou changed into a tree. It was just not an ordinary tree. All parts of tree were useful. Her tears changed into sweet water. Her hair changed into very strong leaves. People can use them as roof of their houses. The fruits of the tree namedkolang kaling are very delicious.
People name it as sugar palm tree or pohon enau. People in other villages name it as pohon aren.
3. Fairytale (folktale) : a story which is regarded as fiction.
Example :
Snow White,

The Little Match-Seller, The Ugly Duckling, etc.
I love reading a fairy tale until now, I want to share them. just click
here. And you will find a lot of fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen
4. Legend : a true story primarily about human heroes in the recent past and may feature some religious references.
Example :
Roro Jonggrang
Roro Jonggrang was a very beautiful princess from a Javanese kingdom, Prambanan Kingdom hundred years ago. Her famous beauty was known throughout the country, and princes from far and different land and kingdoms came to propose her. However, her beauty did not make her humble, instead she grew her arrogance even more. She refused all their proposal, and sometime in harsh as well. Many returned broken-hearted.
There was a famous prince by that era, Prince Bandung Bondowoso. He was famous by his strength, power, and good looking. He owned a big kingdom with a thousands of soldiers. He heard about Roro Jonggrang's amazing beauty that and he set up to the kingdom to propose her.
Having heard that Prince Bondowoso was coming to marry her, Roro Jonggang grew worried. She disliked the idea of getting married, however, she understood the consequence if she refused the proposal. She knew that Bondowoso had thousands of soldiers that could attack her kingdom if she disappointed him. So when Bondowoso arrived and proposed her, she was willing to accept it with one condition.
Bondowoso had to make her 1000 temples in one night time. If he failed, then Roro Jonggrang would not marry him. Now, Bondowoso was not only strong, he had thousands of men working for him, and not only men, he owned the power to control the genies as well. He agreed to fulfill Jonggrang's wish and started to work it immediately. He used his power to call all the genies and asked them to keep on working until they completed 1000 temples by the time the rooster crowed the next morning.
The genies worked without stop any second. They would only stop by the time the rooster crowed. Soon hundreds of temples were completed. This made Roro Jonggrang restless. She could not sleep or even closed her eyes. She tried to think any way to fail Bondowoso. Finally, she got an idea. She cut paper in the shape of a circle and glued it in front of a candle holder. She lit the candle and carried it to the chicken coop where the rooster slept. When the rooster saw the candle, it thought that it was almost dawn and the sun was going to rise soon. The rooster quickly got up and in a second, it crowed.
The working genies heard the rooster and thought that the morning had come. Instantly, they stopped working and disappeared leaving the undone temples. There were 999 temples that completed. One more to be built. Bondowoso was disappointed to see this. He was very mad. When he found out that it was the work of Roro Jonggrang, he came to her and cursed her into a stone.
There was a famous prince by that era, Prince Bandung Bondowoso. He was famous by his strength, power, and good looking. He owned a big kingdom with a thousands of soldiers. He heard about Roro Jonggrang's amazing beauty that and he set up to the kingdom to propose her.
Having heard that Prince Bondowoso was coming to marry her, Roro Jonggang grew worried. She disliked the idea of getting married, however, she understood the consequence if she refused the proposal. She knew that Bondowoso had thousands of soldiers that could attack her kingdom if she disappointed him. So when Bondowoso arrived and proposed her, she was willing to accept it with one condition.
Bondowoso had to make her 1000 temples in one night time. If he failed, then Roro Jonggrang would not marry him. Now, Bondowoso was not only strong, he had thousands of men working for him, and not only men, he owned the power to control the genies as well. He agreed to fulfill Jonggrang's wish and started to work it immediately. He used his power to call all the genies and asked them to keep on working until they completed 1000 temples by the time the rooster crowed the next morning.
The genies worked without stop any second. They would only stop by the time the rooster crowed. Soon hundreds of temples were completed. This made Roro Jonggrang restless. She could not sleep or even closed her eyes. She tried to think any way to fail Bondowoso. Finally, she got an idea. She cut paper in the shape of a circle and glued it in front of a candle holder. She lit the candle and carried it to the chicken coop where the rooster slept. When the rooster saw the candle, it thought that it was almost dawn and the sun was going to rise soon. The rooster quickly got up and in a second, it crowed.
The working genies heard the rooster and thought that the morning had come. Instantly, they stopped working and disappeared leaving the undone temples. There were 999 temples that completed. One more to be built. Bondowoso was disappointed to see this. He was very mad. When he found out that it was the work of Roro Jonggrang, he came to her and cursed her into a stone.
Until now, we can still see the statue of Princess Roro Jonggrang in one of those temples that Bondowoso built for her. The temples are now named Prambanan.
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