The beautiful girl
Demi and Joe on the stage

Cute baby
Do y know the sentences that I make above is included to “noun phrases”
® Noun is word that names a person, animal,place, thing, ide or concept or anything considered as noun.
Note: Gerund (kata kerja yang dibendakan) can also be classified as noun.
® Noun phrases (frasa kata benda) is either a single noun or pronoun or a group of words containing a noun or a pronoun that function together as a noun or pronoun, as the subject or object of a verb.
Structures of Noun phrase :
1. Noun premodifiers – Modifiers before the noun are called pre-modifiers.
pre – modifiers + noun
a). White house ; here white is a premodifier and house is a noun.
b). The three old Democratic legislators ; here the three old Democratic is premodifier and legislators is a noun.
a). White house ; here white is a premodifier and house is a noun.
b). The three old Democratic legislators ; here the three old Democratic is premodifier and legislators is a noun.
2. Noun Post - Modifiers – Modifiers coming after a noun are called post – modifiers.
noun + post-modifiers. (The most common post-modifier is prepositional phrases).
a). The glass on the table ; here on the table is the post-modifier.
b). The boy in the store ; here in the store is the post-modifier.
a). The glass on the table ; here on the table is the post-modifier.
b). The boy in the store ; here in the store is the post-modifier.
3. Noun phrase - pre-modifier + noun + post-modifier
pre-modifier + noun + post-modifier.
a). The boys on top of the house are ...... here The is the pre-modifier, boys is the noun, on top of the house is the post-modifier
a). The boys on top of the house are ...... here The is the pre-modifier, boys is the noun, on top of the house is the post-modifier
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