“Andai aku Gayus Tambunan…. Yang bisa pergi ke Bali…” XD
Everyday we hear or read the news. We can say that we can’t live without any news. You can see ’em from television, news paper, radio and internet. As the example, the hottest news in Indonesia is about a corruptor named Gayus Tambunan.
And the hottest news around the world is about a conflict in Mesir, yes it’s about the President.
Now, we’re going to identify the news item step by step. C’mon!
® News Item: is factual text which informs the readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
® Social function of news item is: to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
® Generic structure:
· Newsworthy Event(s): recounts the events in summary form
· Background Event(s): elaborate what happened, to WHOM, in WHAT circumstances.
· Sources: comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities’ expert on the event.
® Significant Grammar Features:
· Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
· Generally using Simple Past Tense
· Use of Material Processes to retell the event
· Using Action Verbs, e.g.: were, run, go, kill, etc.
· Using Saying Verbs, e.g.: say, tell
· Focus on Circumstances
· Use of projecting Verbal Processes in Sources stages
® There are some rules that can help to make newspaper headlines more comprehensible.
1. The passive voice is used without the appropriate form of “be”.
Example: Town ‘Contaminated’
Complete Sentence: Town is contaminated.
2. It is unusual to find complex forms, generally the simple present form is used
Example: Fire Destroys over 2,511 acres of Forest in 2003-2004
Complete Sentence: Fire has destroyed over 2,511 acres of forest in 2003-2004.
3. The present progressive tense is used, usually to describe something that is changing or developing, but the auxiliary verb is usually left out.
Example: World Heading for Energy Crisis
Complete Sentence: The world is heading for an energy crisis.
4. To refer to the future, headlines often use the infinitive.
Example: Queen to Visit Samoa.
Complete Sentence: The Queen is going to visit Samoa.
5. Headlines are not always complete sentences.
Example: More earthquakes in Japan.
Complete Sentence: More earthquakes happened in Japan.
Let’s identify this news item J
KPK immediately ask defendant Gayus Tambunan
about tax mafia in Indonesia
(Newsworthy) Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will soon invite to ask defendant Gayus Tambunan about Tax Mafia in Indonesia. Similarly KPK leaders decided in the meeting which took place today, Thursday (13 / 1 / 2011).
(Background Events) "Oh, certainly it. That was the decision KPK leaders meeting," said Commission Chairman Busyro Muqodas, in Jakarta, Thursday
(13 / 1), when asked whether the agency would soon summon Gaius.
He added that the Commission immediately to schedule a call when Gaius done. "We are now awaiting the results of studies deputy investigation," he said.
The police said the passport in the name of Sony Laksono which can be used as evidence by Gayus Tambunan forged passports had been discarded by Gayus himself. Head of the Department of Public Information Police Headquarters Joey Boy Amar disclose it.
"Explanation of Gayus Tambunan, passport has been discarded in a place, in Indonesia, yes," said Boy at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday (13/01/2011). Boy says that the passport that has been used overseas Gaius is not destroyed before disposal.
Passport, said Boy, discarded after Gayus and his wife, Milana Anggraeni, plesiran returned from abroad, which is about the end of September. "Given the long thrown hopefully there is a find. We try to find but in the long deadline, yes," said Boy.
The police were, said the Boy, had been looking at the disposal site, as expressed Gayus. However, Boy does not reveal where approximately passports were dumped. "Any information Gaius will be addressed," he added.
He added that the Commission immediately to schedule a call when Gaius done. "We are now awaiting the results of studies deputy investigation," he said.
The police said the passport in the name of Sony Laksono which can be used as evidence by Gayus Tambunan forged passports had been discarded by Gayus himself. Head of the Department of Public Information Police Headquarters Joey Boy Amar disclose it.
"Explanation of Gayus Tambunan, passport has been discarded in a place, in Indonesia, yes," said Boy at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday (13/01/2011). Boy says that the passport that has been used overseas Gaius is not destroyed before disposal.
Passport, said Boy, discarded after Gayus and his wife, Milana Anggraeni, plesiran returned from abroad, which is about the end of September. "Given the long thrown hopefully there is a find. We try to find but in the long deadline, yes," said Boy.
The police were, said the Boy, had been looking at the disposal site, as expressed Gayus. However, Boy does not reveal where approximately passports were dumped. "Any information Gaius will be addressed," he added.
When asked whether the loss of a passport will be difficult for police work, Boy said that print out your passport database obtained from the Immigration Office to be a substitute for proof document.
The police said the passport in the name of Sony Laksono which can be used as evidence by Gayus Tambunan forged passports had been discarded by Gaius himself. Head of the Department of Public Information Police Headquarters Joey Boy Amar disclose it.
"Explanation of Gayus Tambunan, passport has been discarded in a place, in Indonesia, yes," said Boy at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday (13/01/2011). Boy says that the passport that has been used overseas Gaius is not destroyed before disposal.
Passport, said Boy, discarded after Gaius and his wife, Milana Anggraeni, plesiran returned from abroad, which is about the end of September. "Given the long thrown hopefully there is a find. We try to find but in the long deadline, yes," said Boy.
The police were, said the Boy, had been looking at the disposal site, as expressed Gayus. However, Boy does not reveal where approximately passports were dumped. "Any information Gaius will be addressed," he added.
When asked whether the loss of a passport will be difficult for police work, Boy said that print out your passport database obtained from the Immigration Office to be a substitute for proof document.
Indonesian police report made by a syndicate Gaius passport at a cost of Rp 900 million or nearly one billion rupiah.
(Sources) This tax mafia cases involving hundreds of big companies in Indonesia, including Bakrie group belongs, such as mining company Kaltim Prima Coal who are spending U.S. $ 2 million dollars to be submitted to Gayus.
The police said the passport in the name of Sony Laksono which can be used as evidence by Gayus Tambunan forged passports had been discarded by Gaius himself. Head of the Department of Public Information Police Headquarters Joey Boy Amar disclose it.
"Explanation of Gayus Tambunan, passport has been discarded in a place, in Indonesia, yes," said Boy at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday (13/01/2011). Boy says that the passport that has been used overseas Gaius is not destroyed before disposal.
Passport, said Boy, discarded after Gaius and his wife, Milana Anggraeni, plesiran returned from abroad, which is about the end of September. "Given the long thrown hopefully there is a find. We try to find but in the long deadline, yes," said Boy.
The police were, said the Boy, had been looking at the disposal site, as expressed Gayus. However, Boy does not reveal where approximately passports were dumped. "Any information Gaius will be addressed," he added.
When asked whether the loss of a passport will be difficult for police work, Boy said that print out your passport database obtained from the Immigration Office to be a substitute for proof document.
Indonesian police report made by a syndicate Gaius passport at a cost of Rp 900 million or nearly one billion rupiah.
(Sources) This tax mafia cases involving hundreds of big companies in Indonesia, including Bakrie group belongs, such as mining company Kaltim Prima Coal who are spending U.S. $ 2 million dollars to be submitted to Gayus.
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