Wuuuuuuowwwwwwww !!!!!! Yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!

I am soooooooooo happpppyyyyyyyyyy and surprised !!! I Did it !!!

I never thought that I can finished my own e-primbon. I thought that it will be as...

that has no ending :D
With a full spirits, my strong eyes' ability I could finished this all.
I can worked it day by day, night by night..
I'm really really happy and feel so free :D
My thanks giving :
that have been giving me a breath, brain and ability to finish these all.
2# My mom and dad
that have been giving me support and sincerely wanted to pay "speedy monthly bills"
I know it will be more expensive than before. Am sorry :D
3# Mr.Erwanto
that have been giving this project. I know, this project really had A GOOD PURPOSES AND BENEFITS for us. We can learn how to do a project in a short term with full responsibility. and sure we are not had "technology illeterate" again.
I hope you will give a good response after see my e-primbon (I mean good score wkwkwk)
4# Everyone that can't be mentioned
I am terribly sorry if I have made some mistakes during writing my project. Terribly sorry too if I've been writing with uncorrect grammar.